
We advise you


We advise you

We understand your business

We analyze your processes, record all requirements and identify the actual problems. This is followed by a concept, an architecture, concrete technological proposals or a solution of any other conceivable kind. Our consultants have already gained experience in a wide variety of industries and are able to understand the industry-specific characteristics of each company.

How can ektosoft advise you?

Process Consultancy

Do you need support in designing your IT-supported processes? We understand your business and develop a tailor-made solution.

Technology Consultancy

Not sure which technologies to use? We share our experiences with you and give you specific technology suggestions. We take into account all relevant parameters such as popularity, costs, existing know-how in your team etc.

Workshops & Seminars

Would you like to train your employees in certain technologies? We offer workshops and seminars in areas such as Java, Angular, React, Cloud, DevOps and many more.

Process Consultancy

Do you need support in designing your IT-supported processes? We understand your business and develop a tailor-made solution.

Technology Consultancy

Not sure which technologies to use? We share our experiences with you and give you specific technology suggestions. We take into account all relevant parameters such as popularity, costs, existing know-how in your team etc.

Workshops & Seminars

Would you like to train your employees in certain technologies? We offer workshops and seminars in areas such as Java, Angular, React, Cloud, DevOps and many more.

Consulting is highly individual and can take many forms. Contact us and together we will find out how we can support you.